05 May 2012

Day Project | Deco Glasses Case

Today was an indoor day for me. The kiddies made sugar cookies, played their little hearts out and then slept most of the day :-) I'm sure their mothers will thank me for this behavior when they go home ^_^ (NOT!) Deco is pretty easy to do as it relies completely on your own imagination. You can use broken jewels, rhinestones or necklaces. Whatever your mind can conceive! I used two packs of rhinestones from the dollar store, a butterfly (also from the dollar store), two rings I accidentally broke about two years ago (the snake and the pearly looking one). The small gold baubles are from a dress I repurposed into a romper. Besides that all you'll need is a hot glue gun (from Walmart, Target or any craft store) and if you need (for smaller objects) a tool to place objects without burning your fingers!

Place bigger objects first.
If you're going to create a border, do this second.
Continue placing objects in decreasing order of size then fill in the remaining spaces with the smallest objects (like I did with the gold baubles).

Create away!

And if you deco, be sure to leave a link! :))

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