12 April 2012

Guess Who's Back?

Okay it's not Eminem but I AM!!

I've obviously been on a little hiatus doing....
I would love to pretend I was cramming for finals or something but I've never done that in my life! Lol!

I'm back now and with a re-vamped blog layout!
Looks pretty demure, huh? Almost makes me seem kind of innocent and pure (which we'll all now pretend I am)
Special thanks to Lauren over at Nymfont for the template (she has lots of free ones) and Paul at Spice Up Your Blog and Best Blogger Templates for the tutorials that helped me with all the extra touches.

Extra touches like the little egg to the left (which if you hover over it opens up with buttons to share these posts on Facebook, Pinterest and other social networks). It actually turns into a heart once you're within a post. Pretty cool, huh?

If you're thinking of doing some spring cleaning around your blogspace, check them both out!


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